Bambi & Birdy

Bambi & Birdy

Freitag, 19. Dezember 2014

Have a wonderful weekend!

this photo made me happy this week...I like the idea of art being messy

I'm coming home...I am about to leave the house in order to fly home over the holidays. I am looking forward to seeing my man, my Birdy, my friends and family so very much and wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Ich komme nach wenigen Stunden geht mein Flug nach Deutschland, wo ich die Feiertage und Silvester verbringen werde. Ich freue mich so so sehr, meinen Freund, Birdy, meine Freunde und meine Familie zu sehen und wünsche allen ein wundervolles Wochenende!

24 hour bookstore:

heartbreaking and heartwarming story:

I love, love, love Temperly and the woman behind the brand:

interesting thoughts on the concept of virginity:

I don't fully understand this, but it makes me happy- what color is it?
Mr. Italo Svevo and me

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